Coiltech is the go-to platform for Coil Winding experts seeking cutting-edge technological solutions in magnetics and windings. The premier Coil Winding Expo comes to North America. Unleashing [...]
The exhibitor profiles at The Magnetics Show encompass the entire supply chain of the magnetic material and rare earth industries. The event offers a comprehensive platform for networking, [...]
MDSM (Motor, Drive Systems & Magnetics) is the world’s leading conference & expo focused on the latest technical advancements in motor, drive systems, motion control, magnetic [...]
The magnetic measuring scanner Magnetoscan is designed to measure the superficial magnetic induction of permanent magnet devices, for example rotors or stators, that exhibit axial or radial multi [...]
The Custom Measuring Coil for electrical motors measures the total magnetic flux. The coil is tailored on the specific application. Its design concept is the result of our expertise and long [...]