AMH-DC-T-S Permeameter
AMH-DC-T-S Permeameter is an automatic DC measuring system to characterize toroid shaped soft magnetic materials.
>> The AMH-DC-T-S meets the International Standards IEC 60404-4, ASTM A341 and ASTM A596

- Fluxmeter
- 2 DC power supplies, with an incorporated precision current meter
- Polarity switch
- Connection tool ring samples
- PC and printer
- Dedicated software Argon 1.0
- Reference ring, for day-to-day control
Support is guaranteed via TeamViewer, Skype, and through our software that allows a manual or scheduled technical assistance request to be sent via email.
- Iron & Carbon Steels
- Fe-Si
- Fe-Ni
- Fe-Co
- Soft Ferrite
- Amorphous Alloys
- Nano-Crystalline Alloys
Argon 1.0 software automatically controls the measurements of the AMH-DC-T-S and AMH-DC-TB-S permeameters.
The training is provided during the Acceptance test at Laboratorio Elettrofisico before delivery and also at the client’s facility upon request.